Showing posts with label design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label design. Show all posts

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Susie ™

ELECTRONISM Quantum Pop Media Art Card - Prototype#00

Prototype ELECTRONISM Quantum Pop Media Art Card NFT now available on Opensea.

This NFT project is the prototype for a large series of ELECTRONISM Art Cards to be minted as collectibles. They are digitally created by Beau Tardy. They illustrate the convergence of Art and Technology and are unique and original. Each card is meticulously designed by Beau Tardy before being minted as an NFT on the blockchain. This ensures that each collectible Art Card is unique and authenticated as being from the ELECTRONISM collection. You can purchase this prototype and become an early adopter of this new expression of Technology as Art.

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

nEW sHOP~~

I made some affordable merchandise available to purchase through the brand new online shop. This way you can support my work and get unique original designs to enjoy everyday. Let me know how you like these and I will make more available. Thanks for supporting my work and may God bless you@!

Friday, April 22, 2022

New NFT collection ELECTRONISM on Opensea

ELECTRONISM collection by Beau Tardy. 

Brand new NFT collection ELECTRONISM by Beau Tardy now available on Opensea. This collection features lush electronic art created specifically to be displayed on digital devices large and small. The full-resolution files can be displayed on large monitors as well as phones. These NFTs are each an edition of 1, so each one is unique to the owner. Go to Opensea to see the full collection. More artwork will be continuously added to the collection.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

New NFT Collection 'Shiny Objects'

Shiny Object #1. Digital Art by Beau Tardy. ©2018-2021
I am close to launching my new NFT collection called 'Shiny Objects'. It features brilliant and unique digital art specifically designed for large format or mobile screen display. This series was created as part of an effort to create new art everyday for a period of six months. What I discovered was that in working this way, I could build momentum and every new piece is informed by the work created before it. The progression is not linear but the discoveries are sometimes surprising. It is a form of channeled creative freedom, which is very different from the way I typically work. This methodology is very productive and comes from years of doing digital work for TV networks and broadcasters, where there are demands on a daily basis. Doing art on a daily basis focuses the effort and is a great way to put together a collection of new work.
Shiny Objects Collection. ©Beau Tardy 2018-2021
Only the best pieces will be made available. You will not be able to access this art any other way as all other online copies of the art contain watermarks and are purposely down-rezed (low resolution quality). This is the only way to obtain full resolution, non-watermarked, authentically sourced art directly from the creator to display as it was meant to be displayed. The first collection will contain 20 unique digital pieces and will be available to purchase as NFTs once I have decided which NFT platform to publish them will work best. I will inform you of the minting here on this website. Up until now I have been using but they have not been very helpful and so I am thinking of changing platform. Also my social media feeds will progressively shut down as I vehemently oppose censorship and their using my art for their profit without sharing any profits with the creators. I will keep you informed on this website. Thank you for checking in.

Monday, June 7, 2021

💫💥NFTs Coming Soon!

 💫💥NFTs Coming Soon!

ASCII Art ©Beau Tardy 2021
So it looks like the heat is off Ethereum gas prices a little and that might be good news. I am looking to mint a nice collection of NFTs in the next few days if I can get to not charge me super high fees. I will keep you posted and hopefully you will excited by my first official collection of NFTs. Keep an eye out and keep following me on this website as I no longer post on social media. Thank you!

Thursday, April 1, 2021

MTV promo graphics for Guns & Roses in Paris contest ('92-93) made by Beau Tardy on Quantel Harriet.

Sometimes the Art Director of on-air graphics at MTV, Chris Harvey, would put out an open call for a job that needed some extra attention and a fresh look. I really wanted to do this graphic open for a contest MTV was running. It was for tickets to a Guns & Roses Paris concert. I spent some time on this but it was shot down. I actually had a little argument with the Art Director over it, the one and only time we had a disagreement. It did not make it to air and I'm not sure what they ended up using. I guess I took it a little personal being that I am French...😏

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Heart of Flames new NFT Art

Heart of Flames - Digital Art by Beau Tardy

Just a quick reminder of this new NFT available at . Click on the image to be taken to my NFT store. Thanks for checking in!

I did this digital collage as a representation of the East devouring the West. The new subconscious gods of our imagination have been replaced with manufactured made in China detritus. Also Sonic has exactly the same proportions as Mickey and is a blatant copy. Heart of Flames by Beau Tardy 16"x24" print ready digital art available as an NFT.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

MTV Show Logos by Beau Tardy in 1992

MTV Show Logos designed by Beau Tardy
in the on-air graphics department at MTV in 1992.
During the regular course of daily duties at MTV as a designer in the on-air graphics and animation department, I was often tasked with coming up with logos for show opens. Often these would be animated, but sometimes the producer just needed a digital logo to take into an edit session and composite it with other footage. These were designed on Quantel V-Series Paintbox and Harriett. The better producers would come in and sit during the session while I designed the logos, others just phoned it in. Some producers became friends and we would spend countless hours in session coming up with great ideas for graphics. These logos are for the more typical MTV fare at the time and were used by the News or Promotions department for their shows. I don't know which ones of these actually made it to air simply because I couldn't afford cable at the time in my little shared tenement apartment on Ave. B in the Lower East Side. They payed us very little and worked us like crazy. But I was happy to get my work on MTV in front of millions of people.