Thursday, March 23, 2023

Susie ™

ELECTRONISM Quantum Pop Media Art Card - Prototype#00

Prototype ELECTRONISM Quantum Pop Media Art Card NFT now available on Opensea.

This NFT project is the prototype for a large series of ELECTRONISM Art Cards to be minted as collectibles. They are digitally created by Beau Tardy. They illustrate the convergence of Art and Technology and are unique and original. Each card is meticulously designed by Beau Tardy before being minted as an NFT on the blockchain. This ensures that each collectible Art Card is unique and authenticated as being from the ELECTRONISM collection. You can purchase this prototype and become an early adopter of this new expression of Technology as Art.

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

nEW sHOP~~

I made some affordable merchandise available to purchase through the brand new online shop. This way you can support my work and get unique original designs to enjoy everyday. Let me know how you like these and I will make more available. Thanks for supporting my work and may God bless you@!